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Meet Our Mentor: Andy Laver, Strategic Advisor & Career Coach

Tell us a bit about yourself

My name is Andy Laver. I am from Indonesia but I have been living in Japan for more than 12 years now. While my employment experience has been in finance related industries and roles. such as working for a Private Equity fund, Investment Banks, and Big 4, my entrepreneurship journey has been a more diverse (and fun) one such as headhunting, art merchandising, content production, and career coaching. I guess that may explain why I love watching “Jerry Maguire” (20+ times already) more than “Wall Street” (2 times and enough). I enjoy sharing my knowledge and experience to others, especially to people in their 20s. On a more personal note, I am a slow runner and enjoy taking photographs. Nice to e-meet you here.

How do you engage with startups? How do you help founders with their entrepreneurial journey?

I engage with startups by mentoring/advising its founders through programs or institutions like Plug and Play. Also, some founders contact me directly and ask for advice on fundraising and business development related matters especially for Indonesian and Japanese markets.

Please share what you enjoy about being a mentor thus far.

It’s a joy for me to be able to support others, especially the younger generations, in their journey of entrepreneurship. I always try to be a good listener first, so I can ask good questions and provoke their thoughts, sort of playing a coach role. Of course, if they ask me questions, I will do my best to give the answer. Sometimes they already know what they need to do and just need somebody that they can trust to listen to their thoughts, ideas and worries.

Why did you decide to become a mentor with Plug and Play?

There is a saying “When the student is ready, the teacher will appear”. That’s why when I was contacted by Plug and Play APAC to be part of the Core Mentor group that means it is time for me and some founders to meet and teach each other.

For you, what is the value in being a mentor?

Opportunity to contribute in making our world a better place and write history together with some amazing people. Thank you very much for the opportunity, indeed.


Andy Laver is one of our Global Innovation Alliance Jakarta and GOAL Mentors. Interested in being one of our mentors? Join our platform here!

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